True North Visa and Immigration Services Inc.

Business Visitors

Business Visitors

Business visitors are individuals who visit Canada for a brief period, typically spanning a few days to a few weeks, in order to participate in meetings or events. They are typically granted permission to stay in Canada for a maximum duration of up to six months.

To be eligible as a business visitor to Canada, you are required to demonstrate the following

Please Note: If you intend to stay in Canada for more than 6 months or plan to engage in work activities, you are typically required to apply for a work permit.

As a business visitor in Canada, you can engage in various activities related to your business or work purposes. These activities may include

Under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA, formerly known as NAFTA), U.S. or Mexican nationals have additional opportunities, including

It’s important to note that while these activities are generally allowed for business visitors, there may be specific eligibility criteria, documentation requirements, and restrictions that client may need to adhere to based on their nationality and the nature of their visit. It’s advisable to consult with Canadian immigration authorities or an RCIC / legal expert for detailed guidance before planning their trip.